Tuesday, January 26, 2010

To Cleanse or not to Cleanse?

One of my coworkers has been talking about doing the Master Cleanse, and I'm considering doing it as well.  For moral support.
Now, I know there's a lot of benefits to doing a cleanse, but there's also a lot of potential health pitfalls.  Doing a cleanse and getting all the fatty, rich, unhealthy foods typical of the American diet would probably be very beneficial.  Going almost 2 weeks without eating solid food is a bit off-putting, mentally and physically.  Losing all the existing bacteria in your stomach doesn't seem very pleasant. And then there's the side effects of doing a cleanse....
I'm kind of attached to the bacteria in my stomach, I think its done a pretty good job.  Maybe I can find a toned down cleanse.  One that's not quite so drastic.... Or maybe I shouldn't be a wimp, and just do it.

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