Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Every Step of the Way....

I will walk with you and never leave you stranded

I read this quote this morning on Facebook and I had a life-changing moment. 

Because of Facebook. 

To be honest, I'm not really sure how I feel making that statement - life changing moment because of facebook - but it is what it is, can't go back. 

Back to my point. 

I've been reading through all these books and blogs about finding your life's purpose, the things that inherently matter to you, the goals that really fulfill you or the things that you really need in life to feel fulfilled, happy, complete. I read through one exercise that said to open up a blank sheet of paper, and at the top write or type out "What is my Life Purpose?", and then just start writing, stream of consiousness.  And do it over, and over, and over, and over again until it makes you cry. (I haven't been successful at this one yet, but I've given it a couple of chances, and will do so again until I can get it!) I read another exercise that told you to look through a list of characteristics, actions, ideas, and to see which one resonated most strongly with you. I read that, and my first thought was - "What exactly does that mean? - which one resonates most strongly with me? What does that mean? How does that feel?" I was very confused.  

Well, today I was looking through facebook, and it happened. 

I read a quote by Rumi, "Every step of the way, I will walk with you and never leave you stranded" and I felt that resonance. There was a lovely picture that went with it of an older couple walking along an empty beach leaning on each other, but it was the quote that really hit me.  My first thought was "yes, that's it! That's what I want." There was relief, and an A-ha feeling deep in my gut, like I totally identified with this thought deep down in the caverns, the foundation, of my soul.  It was awesome.  It did bring a little tear to my eye, to feel it, and know it, and recognize it for what it is.  THAT is what I want to feel, that is what I need in my life.  I want someone to be there, who will always be willing to help in the way that I need. I don't want someone to take care of me, to save me, to do everything for me, I want someone that will be there and not leave me stranded. Someone that will let me take care of myself, but will back me up when it feels like its too much.

It might not be what you're looking for in your life, but I'm so excited that I understand!   I understand that feeling that these people were talking about, what it is that I'm looking for, and will be able to recognize it when it happens. Hopefully it will happen again soon in the future.  Little stars of positive encouragement are helpful in keeping on the right track! 

Every step of the way

I will walk with you and never leave you stranded










Every step of the way

I will walk with you and never leave you stranded
