Over the holidays I drove home, and listened to a very interesting book on the long drive called Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers.
One of the things I liked was the concept of the whole life grid.The idea of the whole life grid is to consider the 9 different things that you need in your life to feel fulfilled. Take a piece of paper, draw three vertical lines, and three horizontal lines. In the boxes write down the things that make you feel fulfilled and make you feel that you have a meaningful life. Focusing on the things that you need to have a fulfilling life and make yourself happy helps to take your own internal account of where you are in your life. Whether you are really fulfilling yourself and living a balanced life, living the life you want. When you figure out what those things are, you can more easily see the areas that might need a little more attention.
You can do the whole life grid multiple times each year, re-evaluate your goals as they change. The first time you go through this filling up the nine boxes might seem difficult. Or it could seem too easy, with many other needs or areas that don't fit into the nine boxes.
My first attempt included
family : love : travel
education : friends : books & music
creativity : environment : yoga.
These are the areas that I feel I need to focus on to fulfill my dreams, to help figure out what I want to do in life, my path, figuring out the journey. I read a really great post about this at ProfHacker