Thursday, December 6, 2007

"She's a good girl"

Last night I went out, stayed way too late, and I'm paying for it today

I was with some friends I used to party with and hadn't seen in a long time, who I used to hang out with a lot in my wilder days, when I was not quite as "together" or "responsible" as I am now.

Case Scenario 1

Friend #1 is in the service industry, and was introducing me to a lot of friends also in the service industry. He would say "This is Lucky MF, we've been friends for a long time. She's a good girl." Ummm Ok.

Case Scenario 2

Friend #2 introduces me to his business partner, a very, very hot (married) man. Friend #2 says "This is Lucky MF, she used to hang out at our bar, did you meet her?" Hot Business Partner smiles and says he remembers seeing me. Friend #2 gives me one of those sideways hugs, where his arm is around my waist/hip and says "She's one of the good girls."

What is that supposed to mean??!!??!?!?!? This is the source of my consternation.

I know my mother would be ecstatic to hear that hot guys think her daughter is a "good girl," but there was an implied meaning that I just can't quite pick up on. My girlfriend assures me its better than the lack of "good girl" status affixed to her introduction, but to me it sounds fishy.
I feel I must do more research, I need to get male opinion on this....

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