Monday, December 17, 2007

Existential boredom

I'm bored with life.
The obvious answer to that is - You're lame.

I'm bored with my job, there's no challenge. And this is what I wanted to do when I was a kid. I literally have my childhood dream job. And I'm bored. To Tears. I could throw a drop down, rolling on the ground hissy fit I'm so bored.
The problem is that nothing else sounds good.

This is not one of those 'I'm a successful young professional, disenchanted with the world crap' type of posts. Well, I guess it is. But I'm not disenchanted with the world, I'm just freaking bored by my surroundings. I've gotten lazy. I need to go out and find more crap to do.
But I already have 2 jobs, several hobbies, a wide variety of friends I go out with....

And I'm bored.
This is not the type of person I want to be, I want to be happy, and have fun, and enjoy every moment of life to the fullest. Which I'm sad to say, I'm not doing now.

Maybe I do need to go back to grad school. Or law school. I can be bitchy enough to go to law school, make everyone else pissed off and bitchy too..... This might be a plan

Friday, December 7, 2007

messing with boy's heads

Nothing is more fun than completely sticking your foot in your mouth while consuming alcohol.

My friend brought me a drink, and we started chatting about random stuff. I said I'm glad we're friends, he thought I said something about wanting to be more than friends. Lots of stuttering, stammering, and confusion ensued.

That's what I get for trying to say I like having a male friend thats just a friend and isn't trying to get in my pants....

Thursday, December 6, 2007

"She's a good girl"

Last night I went out, stayed way too late, and I'm paying for it today

I was with some friends I used to party with and hadn't seen in a long time, who I used to hang out with a lot in my wilder days, when I was not quite as "together" or "responsible" as I am now.

Case Scenario 1

Friend #1 is in the service industry, and was introducing me to a lot of friends also in the service industry. He would say "This is Lucky MF, we've been friends for a long time. She's a good girl." Ummm Ok.

Case Scenario 2

Friend #2 introduces me to his business partner, a very, very hot (married) man. Friend #2 says "This is Lucky MF, she used to hang out at our bar, did you meet her?" Hot Business Partner smiles and says he remembers seeing me. Friend #2 gives me one of those sideways hugs, where his arm is around my waist/hip and says "She's one of the good girls."

What is that supposed to mean??!!??!?!?!? This is the source of my consternation.

I know my mother would be ecstatic to hear that hot guys think her daughter is a "good girl," but there was an implied meaning that I just can't quite pick up on. My girlfriend assures me its better than the lack of "good girl" status affixed to her introduction, but to me it sounds fishy.
I feel I must do more research, I need to get male opinion on this....

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Now What?

Apparently I'm witty. And a decent writer.

Or so one of my best girlfriends told me last night over drinks.

Many drinks.

In fact she was drinking beer, and she's normally a wine kinda girl. I remember the name Carrie Bradshaw being used a few times. But I think she was just trying to flatter me in a drunken state. Either way, my posts and comments make her laugh.

So, this is the result of that tiny barley seed being implanted in my mind.

And in my quest to figure out what I want to be when I grow up, and the need for a little creative outlet, I'm going to give this a shot. Since I seen to have 15 separate diaries that I've had for the majority of a decade, and I always seem to start a new one because I can't find the old one....

Hopefully this will be fairly entertaining.